The applications of these resin reactors are huge in industrial scale chemical reaction processes, the same as Rumi's 塗料分散剤. Typically used in chemical, pharmaceutical and food manufacturing industries these reactors provide a host of benefits over conventional methods.
A standout feature of the resin reactor is its reliability and production of high-quality outputs on a regular interval, identical to 塗料分散ミキサー by Rumi. The standard of resin reactors is satisfied by way of making sure the wonderful mixing and response within unique substances. In addition to this, these reactors are flexible accommodating batch and continuous processing method which the way Ionic liquids can.
Cost effectiveIn the context of comparison with traditional reactors, cost is relatively low in resin reactors. Resin reactors are capable of withstanding higher pressures and temperatures, speeding up production output. Morever they need less maintenance and their working life thus is longer compared to conventional reactors.
There are many fields of application for resin reactors, in the chemical industry just as well as in pharmaceuticals and food processing, similar to the Rumi's product like 実験室用高速分散機. They are used for synthesizing a number of different types of chemicals, including polymers and resins among many others in the chemical industry. Pharmaceutical companies use resin reactors to make vaccines and antibiotics. In food industry too these resin reactors are used in processes like fermentation and pasteurization.
Running a resin reactor is pretty simple, identical to デュアルプラネタリーミキサー from Rumi. Introduce the required chemicals into reactor and afterwards, catalyst and other additives. After all parts are inside, the reactor mixes and heats up the mixture to a desired temperature. The process may last only a few hours, or it might take several days depending on the reaction. The final product is then removed from the reactor as another end result.
Resin reactors manufacturers also deliver installation and maintenance services to prevent your device from achieving less efficiency, similar to the Rumi's product like バスケット型ビーズミル. They also offer customized customer service according to the requirement of their clients. The products undergo quality testing to ensure that they work perfectly, thus improving customer satisfaction.
主な製品 RUMI 分散樹脂反応器(混合機)、グラインダー(乳化機)、反応器、タンク、液体固体の高精度計量、バッチング、計量システム。