Ever tried to mix a large amount of dough, or cake batter by hand? However, if you have ever done it yourself I am sure that you will agree that مختبر مطحنة حبة أفقية is a lot of work and can wear on the human mind. Fortunately, an incredible tool helps in the easy and quick mixing a planetary mixer 30L by Rumi.
This is a heavy-duty mixer designed for any high-volume application, such as bakeries or restaurants. ثلاثة لفة مطحنة لطحن الصباغ large bowl can accommodate 30 liters by Rumi of materials, so no problem mixing with it in bulk. No sorer arms from hand mixing all-the-things with this mixer. Proof Mix it easily to bake with more pleasure.
Tools that work and last for a long time when you are within the depths of hell No wait, I mean busy kitchen. Planetary mixer 30L by Rumi is reliable and very strong. With this, you will be able to blend even the hardest ingredients in a matter of seconds thanks to it is strong motor. Designed to keep you company for several years, طلاء مطحنة الرمل الأفقية is the most useful addition in your kitchen that would make every cook and baker quite satisfied.
You are the manager of a bakery or restaurant, and you need mixer which can handle larger quantities of food simultaneously. A horizontal sand mill for ink is also called a vertical mixture for you to make large batches of dough, batter, or anything that needs mixing together. Never again will you suffer from a shortage of room to blend your ingredients when using this mixer. This makes it easier to make numerous sweet recipes with minimal frustration.
Of course, whenever one bakes or cooks s/he always craves for those easy, yummy luscious and tastiest outcomes. The خلاط الكواكب 30L is designed to deliver it all. Use it for a variety of baking tasks from mixing dough to whipping up meringue, or simply making rich, fluffy whipped cream. In order to ensure that your food turns out well each and every time, you can count on the fact this cake is created using durable materials. This will help give you a proud sense of baking finesse.
Training technical support high-end level provided prior sale. Planetary mixer 30l requirements users process requirements jointly create users how select sealing material, mechanical shaft seals, cooling heating methods more.
خلاط الكواكب RUMI 30l ISO9001، شهادات CE الأخرى، بما في ذلك CE، ISO9001، وغيرها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، حصلنا على 6 براءات اختراع، مقياس قياس التعليق عالي الدقة، خلاط فراغ مضاد للتآكل، خلاط مكتمل، خلاط الفراشة، معدات خلط تشتيت متعددة الوظائف. تم تصنيفها على أنها ""مؤسسة وطنية ذات تقنية عالية""""مؤسسة مهنية متخصصة""
تتوفر مجموعة متنوعة من الخيارات، وتصميمات التركيبة، ومضرب الخلط المصمم علميًا يوفر مجموعة متنوعة من التجانس، وخلط التشتت (الاستحلاب) إلى جانب خيارات الخلاط الكوكبي 30 لتر.
primary products RUMI dispersing Planetary mixer 30l (mixing machines) grinders (emulsifiers) reactors, tanks, well high-precision metering, batching, weighing systems liquids solids.